Build your dream tech team
Flexiple is your 1-stop solution to hire dream developers for full-time or contract roles
$6 Million
Talent Payments
Engineers Vetted
Average Time-to-hire
Quality talent
Access pre-vetted quality engineers
Stop evaluating 100s of candidates and directly get access to Flexiple’s talent who are carefully vetted through an extensive screening process.
Save time
Talk to engineers tailored to your requirements
Focus on building your product while we handpick engineers who match the exact talent persona you’re looking for & ensure each conversation is worth your time.
Deploy & start building in 72 hours
Our AI-driven hiring platform coupled with a highly engaged & vetted talent pool ensures you go from sharing your talent requirements to hiring an engineer in 72 hours.
Full Time Hires
- 1-click for 100s of applicants
- Handpicked, perfect recommendations
- Hire within 2 weeks
Contract hires
- Access to pre-vetted engineers
- Start in 72 hours
- Pay hourly/monthly
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Share your hiring challenge
Simply describe your dream talent. We will suggest the best solutions and also prepare a detailed talent persona across tech stack, past experience, culture and more nuances.
Choose from our recommendations
Not “CV forwards” based on keywords matches, but get talent recommendations who are a perfect fit for your talent persona. Easily handpick the candidate you find to be a dream fit.
Deploy & build your product
Once you choose your dream team member, we’ll take care of all the boring work around contracts. You can instead focus on kicking-off & building your product.
Your engineers should not be hiring. They should be coding.
Help your team focus on what they were hired for. Flexiple will manage your entire hiring process and scale your tech team.
“Flexiple has exceeded our expectations with their focus on customer satisfaction! The freelancers are brilliant at what they do and have made an immense impact. Highly recommended :)”

Henning Grimm
Founder, Aquaplot
“Overall Flexiple brought in high-level of transparency with extremely quick turnarounds in the hiring process at a significantly lower cost than any alternate options we had considered.”

Kislay Shashwat
VP Finance, CREO
“Todd and I are impressed with the candidates you've gathered. Thank you for your work so far. Thanks for sticking within our budget and helping us to find strong talent. Have loved Flexiple so far — highly entrepreneurial and autonomous talent.”

William Ross
Co-Founder, Reckit
“The cooperation with Christos was excellent. I can only give positive feedback about him. Besides his general coding, the way of writing tests and preparing documentation has enriched our team very much. It is a great added value in every team.”

Moritz Gruber
“Flexiple spent a good amount of time understanding our requirements, resulting in accurate recommendations and quick ramp up by developers. We also found them to be much more affordable than other alternatives for the same level of quality.”

Narayan Vyas
Director PM, Plivo Inc
“It's been great working with Flexiple for hiring talented, hardworking folks. We needed a suitable back-end developer and got to know Ankur through Flexiple. We are very happy with his commitment and skills and will be working with Flexiple going forward as well.”

Neil Shah
Chief of Staff, Prodigal Tech
“Flexiple has been instrumental in helping us grow fast. Their vetting process is top notch and they were able to connect us with quality talent quickly. The team put great emphasis on matching us with folks who were a great fit not only technically but also culturally.”

Tanu V
Founder, Power Router
Explore our network of top tech talent. Find the perfect match for your dream team.